Milan Kundera’s novel Slowness criticizes modern society’s obsession with speed and efficiency and emphasizes the value of slowness. By practicing slowness in our busy lives, we can get in touch with our true selves and reclaim our humanity.
Milan Kundera’s novel Slowness criticizes the modern world’s tendency to emphasize speed and efficiency, and reminds us of the value of slowness. Through the attitude of a car driver who is obsessed with overtaking others, the author poignantly analyzes the modern world’s obsession with speed. The way modern characters in the novel express themselves is spontaneous, provocative, selfish, and transient. They only exist for themselves, do not recognize the existence of others, and view others as mere tools to make themselves stand out.
In this complex modern world, we are slowly losing the ability to savor, connect, and think. In fact, we’re all so busy that the word “busy” has become synonymous with mindlessness. This is one of the reasons why we keep forgetting things. “There is a certain intimate relationship between slowness and memory, speed and forgetfulness,” the novel says. “The degree of slowness is directly proportional to the strength of memory, and the degree of speed is directly proportional to the strength of forgetting,” is a particularly resonant statement.
In a modern world that emphasizes speed and efficiency, we’ve lost balance in our lives. We start our day like runners in a race, running nonstop and feeling compelled to do everything at an ever-increasing pace. This way of life ultimately leaves us exhausted and mentally lethargic. Even the small moments in life – like taking the time to savor a cup of coffee in the morning or a conversation with your family after work – go by quickly. But let’s not forget that these are the moments that truly enrich our lives.
In our daily lives, we often say things like, “I don’t know why I’m so busy these days,” or “I’m so overwhelmed.” This is because of how fast and efficient our lives have become. It’s a clear indication of how much our daily lives are centered on speed and efficiency. As a result, the value of slowness is becoming increasingly lost. Speed makes us focus only on the present, causing us to lose a sense of time and history, and we lose the ability to see the world from a broader perspective. We also lose interest in the people around us as we focus on speed and efficiency. As a result, we lose sight of our purpose in life, and we lose affection and interest in our surroundings.
Furthermore, this obsession with speed has a negative impact on our relationships. We seek efficiency even in our interactions with people and settle for superficial relationships rather than deeper ones. True communication and understanding comes from slowing down, but in the modern world, this is seen as a luxury. However, it is in slowing down that our true nature is revealed, and it is in slowing down that deep connections with others flourish. Slowness is not just a matter of speed, but an important factor in improving the quality of life.
With the development of science and technology, the logic of speed has deeply penetrated our lives, which deepens dehumanization. In this context, the meaning of slowness in modern society is important. Slowness gives us the space to reflect on ourselves and our surroundings, and it helps us to be human. We need to reclaim the value of slowness, letting go of the pressure to be first, first, first, and fast, and the anxiety of feeling like someone is chasing us.
That’s why so many people are turning to meditation, yoga, and Pilates to help them slow down in their busy lives. If you don’t have the time, you can always go to the park and enjoy nature for a while. In a modern world that emphasizes speed and efficiency, it’s important to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the modern world and experience the value of slowness through small habits. Slowing down, especially in nature, can be a great way to find peace of mind. Nature is the opposite of speed, and when we are in it, we feel truly relaxed.
At the end of the book, through the narrator’s mouth, the author advises the reader to slow down, live in the moment, and be happy. There are no right answers to life, but the essence is the same. We all have different personalities and values, but in the end, we all want a life full of love and happiness. In our busy lives, it’s easy to lose sight of that ultimate purpose, but sometimes we need to slow down and take time to reflect on ourselves. Only then will you be able to reflect on how happy you are and what you are living for.
In the end, slowing down can be the key to reclaiming our lost humanity and discovering true happiness. We need to escape from the modern world of speed and efficiency, rediscover the beauty of slowness, and get in touch with our true selves. It’s important to keep in mind that this is not just about personal happiness, but also about the health of society as a whole.