
Book Review – Is Love Blind and Dangerous by Manon Lescaut?

Is blind love dangerous? We explore the meaning of true love through the passionate and tragic love of Manon Lescaut.   There was an American singer named Nat King Cole who died decades ago. Although he was active in the mid-1900s, a very long time ago, there is a song of his that people still love today. It’s called “Too young”. The lyrics go like this They try to tell us we’re...

Book Review – Le Petit Chose (How Did Daniel Eyssette Overcome His Fate?)

Alphonse Daudet’s autobiographical novel, Le Petit Chose, is the story of the growth of Daniel Eyssette, who never loses hope despite his unfortunate circumstances. What does his journey to preserve his innocence despite poverty and hardship mean to us today?   Who is the main character Daniel Eyssette in Alphonse Daudet’s (1840-1897) first novel, Le Petit Chose? He is a typical...

Reading Note – How does Les Misérables portray human nature?

Les Misérables is a work that explores human good and evil, redemption and sacrifice. This blog post will explore how the novel portrays human nature.   Les Misérables Summary “Les Misérables is a masterpiece of Victor Hugo’s life, which he kept in mind for 35 years and completed over 16 years. This work is a historical novel in that it deals with the Paris Uprising of June 1832...

Book Review – Les Misérables (An Eternal Monument to the Human Spirit for Justice and Peace)

Les Misérables is Victor Hugo’s masterpiece about human suffering, love, forgiveness and justice. It explores the nobility of the human spirit for justice and peace, and provides timeless inspiration and lessons.   Victor Hugo Victor Hugo was born in Besançon, France in 1802. His father was a soldier, and he spent his childhood moving between France, Italy, and Spain. Fascinated by...

Why did Albert Camus talk about absurdity and rebellion?

Albert Camus saw confronting the absurd world as the way to protect human dignity. His works and ideas contain deep reflections on life and freedom.   Albert Camus was born in 1913 in the French colony of Algiers, in the town of Mondovi, as the second son of a poor family. His father, who was a miner, died in World War I and he lived with his mother, who never went to school, his stubborn...

Book Review – Why is Les Misérables still a great masterpiece?

This article explores the literary, philosophical, and religious significance of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. This is an in-depth look at why this masterpiece, which depicts the progress of the human soul, is still a beloved masterpiece.   “Les Misérables” is a masterpiece that needs no further explanation. The fact that this work has been made into a movie more than 30 times clearly...

Book Summary – Les Misérables and the Literary World of Victor Hugo

“Les Misérables and the Literary World of Victor Hugo is a magnum opus with themes of love, justice, redemption, and revolution. It is a masterpiece of 19th-century French literature, and it is a reflection of Victor Hugo’s life and philosophy.   Victor Hugo: A life and literary journey Victor Hugo was born in Vence on February 26, 1802. His father, a general in Napoleon’s army...

Book Review – How did Albert Camus explore human existence in absurdity in his works?

Albert Camus explored absurdity and the meaning of human existence in his works. In The Stranger and The Fall, Camus ponders the absurd situations faced by human beings and the nature of life in them, asking important questions about human existence.   A brief introduction to Albert Camus Albert Camus was born in 1913 in the small Algerian town of Mondovi. His father, a farm laborer, was...

Albert Camus, the Philosophy of Absurdity, and The Stranger: The Author and His World

This article explores Albert Camus’s philosophy of absurdity and his masterpiece The Stranger, which explores the nature of human existence and life and sheds light on his literary world.   Albert Camus and his philosophy of absurdity There are few people who don’t recognize the name Albert Camus, and everyone knows that his works are based on absurdity and rebellion. We can see...

A brief commentary on The Stranger as literature of absurdity

Albert Camus’ masterpiece, The Stranger, explores the absurdity of human existence in a world of nothingness and is a profound meditation on life, death, and freedom.   The Stranger is often described as the literature of absurdity. The Stranger centers on the protagonist, Meursault, as he follows his mother’s funeral and his subsequent travels in the village. After his...