Book Reviews

Reading Note – Commentary on Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis

This commentary on Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis explores the novel’s deep symbolism and messages of alienation, humanity, and family relationships.   Franz Kafka, a life of ostracization and alienation Franz Kafka was born in 1883 in Prague, Czech Republic, in the Austro-Hungarian Dual Empire, the eldest son of a German-speaking Jewish middle-class family. His father, a self...

Book Review – A Country Doctor (from a psychoanalytic perspective)

An interpretation of Franz Kafka’s “A Country Doctor” from a psychoanalytic perspective. We look at the symbolism and psychological elements of the story.   This novel, which begins with the words “very puzzling,” is actually more puzzling to the reader. The dreamlike, surreal narrative is inexplicable. Imaginary beings pop out of nowhere, and strange words are spoken out of context...

Why do people call Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea a masterpiece?

“More than just a story of a fisherman and his fish, The Old Man and the Sea is a profound portrait of human solitude, challenge, and the dignity of life. Why do people call it a masterpiece?   About the author, Ernest Hemingway “Ernest Hemingway, author of The Old Man and the Sea, was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, California. His father, Clarence Edmunds Hemingway, was a physician...

Who was Franz Kafka and what is the message of his work?

Franz Kafka is a master of existentialism and modern literature, a writer who powerfully captures the anxieties and absurdities of human existence. His works explore the human condition and social alienation.   Franz Kafka was born in Prague, the eldest of six children to a Jewish merchant father and a mother from a wealthy family, but two of his younger brothers died early and he grew up...

The Metamorphosis (a masterpiece that delves into the absurdity and anxiety of human existence)

“The Metamorphosis” is Franz Kafka’s masterpiece that explores the absurdity and anxiety of human existence. The metamorphosis of a human being into a grotesque insect is an in-depth look at alienation, loss of identity, and conflict with family.   Franz Kafka Franz Kafka was born in Prague, Czech Republic, in 1883, the eldest son of a middle-class Jewish family. At the time of his...

Reading Log – What did Franz Kafka want to say through his work?

This Reading Log analyzes the works of Franz Kafka. We’ll explore what Kafka’s views on absurdity, power, and human existence mean for us today.   Franz Kafka was reluctant to publish his work during his lifetime. Only at the request of his publishers did he reluctantly publish some of his writings, but the works that were published were not well received and rarely sold. The...

The life story of Franz Kafka, the embodiment of anxiety and solitude

Franz Kafka, the embodiment of anxiety and loneliness. His life was filled with family, love, work, and creative anguish. Follow the life of this master of existentialist literature.   Franz Kafka was born in Prague, Czech Republic, on July 3, 1883, the third son of Hermann Kafka (1852-1931), a merchant, and Julie Löwy (1856-1934), to a Jewish middle-class family. Kavka in Czech means crow...

Reading Log – The Metamorphosis (What is the contradiction of capitalism?)

In The Metamorphosis, Gregor’s transformation is more than just a tragedy; it explores how it reveals the contradictions of human alienation and familial relationships in a capitalist system.   A brief introduction to Franz Kafka Franz Kafka was born in 1883 to a middle-class Jewish family in Prague, the capital of what is now the Czech Republic. At the time, Prague was the capital of...

Book Review – In Search of The Metamorphosis and The Trial

An exploration of Franz Kafka’s masterpieces, The Metamorphosis and The Trial, which examine human existence, alienation, and the absurdity of the world.   The opening lines of Franz Kafka’s (1883-1924) The Metamorphosis are shocking no matter who or when you read them. Long ago, as a young man, I was shocked. One morning, waking from a disturbing dream, Gregor Samsa found...